One of the biggest sources of asbestos in homes and businesses is the insulation. Throughout the 20th century, companies used asbestos insulation for homes and businesses due to its effectiveness at keeping buildings well-insulated. While companies stopped installing asbestos insulation once its cancer-causing properties were discovered, it is still found in many buildings today.
In general, you can find four types of asbestos insulation. They are as follows:
Loose-fill asbestos insulation
Loose-fill is as it sounds—loosely filled. It is designed to be poured onto attic floors or hollow spaces. This type of asbestos insulation is quite dangerous because even the slightest disturbance in the air can cause it to spread.
Asbestos Insulation Wrappings
Used to cover pipes, ducts, and other plumbing and HVAC systems, asbestos insulation wrappings are common in old buildings and Navy ships. It looks like cardboard wrapped around pipes and will become crumbly and degraded as it ages.
Asbestos Block Insulation
In the past, builders would sometimes place slabs of insultation inside the walls of a building. These slabs were made up of nearly pure asbestos and can cause high levels of exposure when they’re sawed or damaged.
Spray-On Asbestos Insulation
The final type of asbestos insulation is spray-on. Spray-on insulation was literally sprayed onto ceilings, walls, and other structures and contained about 85% asbestos, putting builders at great risk.
All four types of insulation are common in homes and businesses around Kansas City. To know if your building is one of them, have Axiom Service Professionals conduct asbestos testing. Contact us today to learn more.
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