When we take a drink of water, we assume that water is clean and free of contaminants. In many cases, this is true. However, in too many areas across America, our water is polluted with lead and copper. To help reduce the levels of lead and copper in our drinking water, the EPA created the Lead and Copper Rule. Read on to learn more:
What is the Lead and Copper Rule?
Published in 1991, the EPA created the Lead and Copper Rule to help reduce levels of lead and copper in our drinking water. Lead and copper enter our drinking water primarily through plumbing materials. The rule requires that people monitor the lead and copper levels in the drinking water to ensure it does not rise above acceptable levels. If lead concentrations exceed 15 ppb and/or the copper levels exceed 1.3 ppm, then action must be taken to reduce corrosion.
Health Effects of Lead and Copper
Both lead and copper are toxic to humans and can harm our health. While small doses will do little harm, higher doses over a long period of time can have an adverse effect on our bodies. Additionally, lead can accumulate inside us, causing both physical and behavioral changes.
Below are just some of the many symptoms of lead and copper poisoning:
Lead Poisoning Symptoms
- Learning and memory difficulties
- Irritability
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Hearing loss
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- High blood pressure
- Joint and muscle pain
- Headaches
- Abdominal pain
- Mood disorders
- Miscarriages
Copper Poisoning Symptoms
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea
- Liver damage
- Kidney disease
It’s important to regularly test your drinking water for lead and copper. At Axiom Service Professionals, we offer lead and copper testing for homes and businesses in in the Kansas City area. Contact us today to learn more.
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